What this all is about?

What this site/blog is about?

It all started just recently, in July 2022 when I bought my one and only SBC (Single Board Computer) called "Orange Pi 4 LTS". At first I wanted to buy Raspbery Pi 4, but price tags on those were like $500, at around that time. This sounded like a bad joke to me and I decided to take my chance and buy what I thought would be a cheap Chineese replacement - Orange PI 4 LTS. 

It had the same 4 Gb of ram, but better GPU, quite decent amount of communication ports, including USB 3.0 and there was a nice option to get it with 8Gb of EMMC chip-on-board and original metal case, which is transferring heat out of it to a surrounding atmosphere in a very efficient way. Device is staying silent, as no active coolers are involved, and cool. At total it costed me like less than hundred of bucks including delivery. Oh yeah, I decided to go cheap and not to buy the original power brick, so I bought 3A USB TypeC charger instead.

When I first got my hands on the device, I tried to play with the Debian Linux it was coming with. They called it "Orange PI OS". Given I wasn't that much experienced with desktop linuxes, I miserably failed

Then I decided to take my chance with Armbian, and it was bit better, but still I hit a good amount of issues, I didn't  know how to deal with rather than googling. And I googled, googled, googled a lot.

Finally I found my sweetspot in a form of custom build/mesh of Armbian and Retrioue, made by a guy, named Arnaldo Valente (Rearm.it)

I initially started this blog as just my own notes, but then I realized I want to squeeze all the juice out of this machine. So I decided to pack my distribution with as many useful feature as I can, while still keeping it tiny, fast and secure. 

In my blog posts I'm covering various configuration topics during this journey. As this might be interesting to someone else, so I added some tags to them. Go check out the right hand side panel of this site to see all articles on specific topic.

What is already working


Here, soon will be some short video showing what I have built. And if you'll follow this blog you'll be able to build the same, or even better. 


In short:

What's in the TODO

Soon I'll cover next topics:

  • turn to a completely offline speech recognition using Mozilla's DeepSpeech. See this amazing video and some technical details of how one talented guy used that.

    Our second option will be this one, but I'm yet skeptical about it.

    And this will be our fallback option #2, if we want to sell our soul to devil google:

  • home assistant

  • nextcloud

  • we'll troubleshoot couple of the problems we have and learn where to search for them and how to solve them. things like dmesg, journalctl, /var/log/messages

  • how to build your own replacement of Google Photos to sync photos from your mobile device securely, over internet, to your backup location - like to a linux PC, hdd attached to it. How to access them so you could have all the things you used in Google Photos:



  • how to sort out OpenGL / video acceleration issues and configure our browser so it won't be hiking-up while playing YouTube


  • we'll touch a topic of Linux kernels. Like why you might need to install newer kernel or rebuild existing one and how to do that safely

  • we'll learn advanced vim technics - like how to use multi-cursors there. We'll also give MS Visual Studio Code a try under Linux to see how well (or bad) that will be. But still my heart is with Kate right now

  • we'll try to install Arduino IDE on Linux and even try to pair it with some microcontroller to upload some sketch - I do have a bunch of ESP8, ESP32, AtMega168 and AtMega328

  • we're going to test some x86 / x86_64 emulation with using nice projects box86 / box64 and FEX-EMU. So we could download appImages created for x86_64/amd64 and run them, without waiting for aarch64 appImages to appear

  • we'll run some Windows software on our aarch64 machine, probably even the whole Windows 7 or something. In emulator off course. Qemu + virt-manager


What's the final goal?

For the lazy guys who don't want to get too deep into Linux I'll make an image out of everything I will build, so you will be able to download it, flash it to your SD card, plug it to your Orange Pi 4 LTS and just enjoy everything without the need of following all my steps.

1 comment:

  1. Hello
    I have just purchased the Orange Pi 4 LTS and seeking for any possible use using the board. I was thinking of using the board for some general Desktop applications such as Office and playing YouTube. My I ask if the board has video decoding while playing YouTube on Chrome or Firefox?


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