apt / yum / pacman quick sheet

Package managers quick sheet

Given the most of the time I was RH-based Linux user, apt thing is new to me. I knew how to do basic stuff, like install/get info/remove/purge. But advanced things I needed were hidden. So here are some commands I had to pick up quickly:

Debian-based RHEL-based Arch-based What it does
Basic stuff
apt list --installed rpm -ql

yum list installed
pacman -Q list all installed packages

yum list kernel
list installed kernels
apt-mark showmanual yum history userinstalled

yumdb search reason user

pacman -Qe list explicitly installed packages
apt update yum check-update pacman -Syy updates a local cache of available packages
apt search [package] yum search [package] pacman -Ss [package] searches for a package among the local cache
apt info [package] yum info [package] pacman -Si [pkgname] info about a package
apt upgrade [package] yum upgrade/update [package]

upgrade and update are synonyms
pacman -Syu [package] upgrade a package / all pacakges

yum update --security
install only security updates
apt install [package] yum install [package] pacman -S [package] installs a package
apt purge [package] && apt autoclean yum remove [package] pacman -Rns [package] removes the package and all dependant packages
apt clean yum clean all
pacman -Scc cleans the package cache
Advanced stuff
dpkg -S <file> rpm -qf <file>
what package some file belongs to
dpkg -L <package>
rpm -ql <package>

lists all files some installed package consists of
dpkg -l [package]
rpm -qa [package]

lists all installed packages / brief info about specific package
dpkg -V <package>
rpm -qv <package>

Verifies the package (if any of the files were modified)

apt-cache policy <package>

from which repo package was installed
apt-file update
apt-file find <file>
yum what provides <file>
pkgfile -u
pkgfile <file>
finds a package which provides specific file
apt list -a apache2

list all available versions of some package
apt install apache2=

installs a specific version of package
apt-mark hold apache2

keep this version of package from being updated
apt-rdepends -r <package>

what REPOSITORY packages are depending on a given package
aptitude why <package> rpm -q --whatrequires <package>

what INSTALLED packages are depending on a given package. E.g. if you installed "game" and that installed "game-data", this command will show you "game-data"
yum deplist <package>

for a given package, show what INSTALLED packages are needed. Usually it's a quite big list with a lot of system packages
dpkg-reconfigure [package]

reconfigures an already installed package - i.e. runs post install scripts in an interactive manner (rather than using debconf). Give it a try like this: dpkg-reconfigure ddclient
dpkg -C

performs a consistency check


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